
Long series? Haha. I’ve seen this movie before, and I know how it ends. In 5 years, the only people who will have any idea who the fuck Matt Murray is will be Caps fans who look back on this President’s Trophy season and shake their heads and ask themselves what could have been if only that fuckstick Matt Murray

Trust me it's way better than our American system which rewards the worst team with a high draft pick

And it would take several gruesome hacks! with Brienne having to step in and Finnish.

Aye but it doesn’t show the Free Folk actually charging into the spears. Perhaps the Free Folk are just a feint to grab the Boltons attention while the better equipped Northerners attack the flanks. One of the trailers shows what appears to be Jon leading cavalry charge.

I can't see her killing him, but I can see her ordering Brienne to do it which would be perfect revenge for both of them.

The Onion King, One True King of Westeros.

That’s not a celebration, that’s a suicide attempt.

Whatever room the desktop is in after the wife goes to sleep.

HAHA, that’s what Airbnb is for, you fucking nerds.

Smokes weed, cares enough about his mom to get her bills paid. Two stupid things to hold against him.

You can rape and throw people down stairs, but smoke some weed, take some money from the highest paid employee in Mississippi and you are basically Judas.

Comments like these are why I start my day pretending to work, on Deadspin even though I really don't give a shit about sports anymore. Funny stuff.

Shit, man! This isn't any big deal! I have the same diet/regimen, except with words like "Pop Tarts", "donuts", "double cheeseburgers" and "fried chicken" substituted for all those other ones. Oh, and without those 'workouts' and 'training' things. That shit just gets in the way of eating.

I will not develop overblown expectations I will not develop overblown expectations I will not develop overblown expectations I will not develop overblown expectations I will not develop overblown expectations I will not develop overblown expectations

best way to thank this man is to find those two teens and smack them upside the back of their heads.

I wish there was a way for us to thank this man. Applause to you sir!

He is literally nobility. Lesser nobility, but nobility. House Payne is a Lannister vassal with holdings in the Westerlands. These aren’t touchy-feely concepts—medieval law (which GoT does a relatively good job of following) marks a clear delineation between noble and non-noble persons.

Once again, a couple bad apples are Holocousting the Cardinals their reputation... Anne Frankly, I don’t think that’s Reich...