
It's definitely an unfortunate pose, but I'm pretty sure she's just kicking her leg up behind her — the cardigan thing is wrapped around her thigh on one side, and obscuring her calf on the other.. her foot is hidden behind the other model.

Ok. So you're a black dude trying SUPER FUCKING HARD to feel superior to a stranger. Maybe you can't see how pathetic that comes off. Let me lay out the sequence of events here, because causality doesn't seem to be your strong suit.

I cannot believe sexually active adults on this thread don't get that a male penis is nothing like a leg and the comparison isn't apt.

You mean you don't use instagram as a valid scientific resource?

So what she's saying is that just because something can be physically put on, that it fits well?

Yeah look regular size pinches, in actual real life. Sorry if you think that makes me some sort of braggadocio.

Sorry to disagree with you but that's how justice works. I can post numerous articles about black men in the past that have been wrongly convicted for crimes they did not commit including rape. One story in particular this past year included a Dallas man who served 31 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit. 31

And that would be wrong.

I did plenty of dumb shit as a teenager, and so did my friends, but nothing I did then is going to follow me or anyone else for the rest of our lives.

It's not like this happens only with teenagers, there are plenty of middle-aged men who by your standards should know better. I don't want to get all bitchy about this, but to me it's a no-brainer that you don't enable people to commit crimes just because they're at a 'stupid age'. At the end of the day there's a

have we completely forgotten about the underground work of the silk road? It's not just that these kids need to learn the legal consequences but it's also to try and protect them from the evil that lurks in the dark places of the Internet. This girl could end up kidnapped and sold by next weekend thanks to the

No. You can't take a naked picture of a 15 year old girl, WITHOUT HER CONSENT OR KNOWLEDGE and distribute it on the Internet and expect a "oh kids these days," reaction with no consequences. Throw the book at these little fuckers.

I think this stopped being teenage dumbassery when the production of child porn began. You can't tell me these fine young men, who basically got all their sex ed from porn sites since they were 10, didn't know that filming sex acts with underage women is against the law. I think this is not teenage dumbassery, but

What a bizarre post.

Denaturing of the proteins can make previously inedible fresh things delicious. And is quite common in drupe allergies, which is what you're describing. I gots the same one. Drupey drupe drupe.

doesn't it make more sense for people to call out other people within their community than to have someone else do it? Shouldn't we hold our peers accountable?

Not to be one of those people, and it's VASTLY more likely that they were just an idiot and/or asshole, but it's possible that cooking the tomatoes makes a difference to this person's allergies? I have a problem with grapes that I've never bothered to have a doctor diagnose - if I eat more than two I'm nauseous, and