
My problem is that even though I write something down, often I forget to add a detail or two, like why the fuck I wrote a name or number down, and or for what is the information for, among any other supporting details.

Later on, I’m wrecking my brain trying to remember the moment I wrote it down so that I can figure

Hmm, so where can we find these free range humans?

No, unfortunately, unless they are wild-caught. They are at the top of the food chain and so would have high concentrations of the antibiotics and other drugs.

But Lifehacker! We can’t keep animals in pens knee-deep in feces for their entire lives unless we pump them full of drugs!

Well dead bacteria are probably still ok.

Does anyone know how to make (or why) Google Maps (doesn’t) acknowledge your home address without having to enable Web History?

Can I just say for the record that there isn’t one thing I like about the ‘new’ google maps? I know, I’m going to take a lot of flack for this, but each improvement they’ve made since they dropped the classic design has been another step in the wrong direction as far as I’m concerned. I don’t like ‘earth’ and would