
Why is Deadpool always depicted with that expression?

OMG! She’s so cute, I want to squish her until her eyes pop out!

That looks like the house of my neighbors.

If you prefer it, think it this way: Birds are dinosaurs! How cool is that?

Yep, clearly a Zardoz rip-off.

... so long as you’re using it as a sex toy instead of unclenching a charley horse or working out some lower back pain .

OMG! so cute, I want to squish their cheeks!

I have conection problems and for a few minutes all I saw was this, 8-bit physics!

Always be that guy.

Oh, the feels! Who’s the author?

What’s that building?

The Iliad, finally! A very old edition belonging to my father (not actual picture). And after that I’ll be reading the Odyssey, obviously. And after that, Ilium by Dan Simmons, of course.

Right now I’m feeling like this

Thanks you!

Thank you!

I am working in some woodcuts for my next printmaking exhibition. This one is the latest: Pecado, inspired by the allegory of Sin in John Milton’s Paradise Lost.

This really feels like losing a family member. Her worlds and characters were a huge inspiration and now they are part of who I am, especially her Tales From The Flat Earth.