
@hawkeye18: everyone knows Stephen Hawking's favorite show is Robot Wars :)

@SAThorn: agreed! both the unzipping and the flopping tickled my funny bone

@Richard Baietti: yes, except in real life I can't get shot or in a car accident and go on with my life without ending up in intensive care!

@Chewmieser: I WANT 3D. I just don't want glasses.

@scarbrtj: surely that would hit data rates massively?

@Vanarie: thats what i was thinking, surely it doesn't make the woman any safer that way?!

I really like these bumpers, but I think they'll only work on a white iphone

over here at the odeon cinemas, they now make you buy a new pair of glasses for £1 that you can take away/reuse every time

mmmm... screws

@philibuster: or in this case, the guy ends up with the other guy. its going to happen.

I am definately not buying these. Much as I like them, for the sole fact that when I wake up with a hangover and mistake them for painkillers, I am NOT going to be a happy bunny.

I think its a little unfair how they continue to blast them with the water cannons AFTER they have taken off the nose of their boat, then just leave them there and sail off!

my girlfriend just sent me this, apparently there's no difference between me and him. #nature

@Ambiguously Unfunny Serial Killer: well the original tip was intended to spark debate, its not like I tried to sell the info, and its certainly not like I gave concrete evidence. In my opinion finalgear spoiled it by confirming it!

plus i got to see my face on TV! good times

I take it back. It's actually Danger Mouse.

@boost_me: Because with superchargers you will have minimal lag, and as well as that, you don't have to deal with the immense amount of heat output as well as the fact that in this car particularly, 1000bhp would definately kill you :)

down to £1.16 a litre today.

I own a peugeot 206 and love it, even though the clutch has just gone and it eats tyres! :)