
they did this in trailer-park-boys , one of the only good tv shows to every originate in canada!

roundabouts are seriously the easiest thing in the world to figure out!

roundabouts rule! :) especially late at night when you can just take a racing line through them :D


that'll learn ya for trying to steal a jag, they can't afford to lose any stock like this or itll bankrupt the company!

@wreckingcru: It was actually aimed at the whole european market :) to my knowledge you werent able to get a 206 in india when this was released...

pictchas upside-down!

the production version would look nothing like that....

I thought this was absolutely great!! OK, so i live literally about half an hour from where the great JC does, but I agree with most of the stuff that he has to say! People fighting for free speech, and those in the south who say they protect their rights as hard as anyone - can't take a bloody joke.

because, owning a B10 V8 myself, i can safely say that alpina's are god's own creation.

that was an absolutely awesome part of the episode!!

finally, the US will be able to see the greatness of alpina!! im biased, but the best one built yet has to be the B10 V8 s ;)

hell its not our fault, over 75% of our gas price is tax!!

oh you poor poor things. I feel SO bad for you. Only kidding, im jealous as hell. Over here in the UK last time i filled up, i paid £1 a litre which works out at $7.19 a gallon!! no shit.