

Just a minor quibble, but that is probably not a reference to Secret Wars Storm/Thor, but looks be a reference to New Mutants/X-Men story where she used a hammer given to her by Loki. Uncanny Annual from ‘85, IIRC.

I misread your comment and couldn’t understand why you were complaining about the writers using contractions. That just seems an odd place to draw the line, you know?

And yet... we live in a world where Piers Anthony’s Firefly was actually published. I mean, how did that even happen?

“Yeah...take that, Disney! Instead of buying your movies, I’ll buy your movies twice!”

I still do not understand why people buy those things. WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THEM?

Those are speed-lines. They make the suit run faster.

I see a little silhouetto of a bat...

Any story that allows for Gal’s infectious weaponized smile of joy.

I hear you. Star Wars is one of those things where I’ll watch the trailers and revel in them, but I’ll try to avoid all the extra stuff as much as possible. I did it was TFA too. It is great walking into the theater for a Star Wars film and being able to let it surprise you, and it makes me feel like a kid again.

I saw it last night, but I’m impressed you got a quick interview with them. It’s seriously the cutest story. :-D

That’s my job!

Also, given that you can’t understand the difference between debuts and continuations, the article clearly is talking about the former, not the latter. Maybe you need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I fully understood what you were saying. Because I have good reading comprehension skills.

What pisses me off is that DC is hell-bent on exploiting something they clearly do not understand.

Pfft. I’d prance around in black leather and antlers any day.

edit: I now remember what it felt like to be ten years old again. So I thank them for that :)

I wish they play this in theatres right before the movie. Those Marvel comic pages flipping, Hela sashaying... beautiful.

And so many of the adventures were lame! Dazzler & Eric Beale? Colossus the artiste? I can never decide if I like Jean/Banshee/Forge in the Morlock tunnels or not?