
From what I heard, that would still be better than what actually happened to the show.

“The issue isn’t black (super enlightened all encompassing inclusion where everyone sits together and sings kumbaya) and white (being an MRA neckbeard as you called it). It’s entirely possible to be somewhere in-between.”

He can create “Anti-Bodies” in his image, out of his very own essence. To conquer other worlds with these humanoids was, in fact, his first scheme.

The character’s name is actually John Harrison. He’s a totally new character.

Lol, this is like the “duck-rabbit” illusion for us nerds.

Are you asking comics nerds to be reasonable in their apprehension? Your innocence is charming.

What makes you think this thing can shrink down to human size? It might be permanently Hulked-out since it’s a test-tube monster.

At this point though, the claws and unbreakable skeleton don’t really add much. Hulk already has a form that is strong enough to shatter the entire Earth with a single stomp. Adding claws on top of that seems pretty silly.

Haha yeah a few seconds but it had probably been bubbling at the back of my annoyed fanmind. Emo Ollie pissed me off hugely. did that bit happen before or after the Dominator matrix thing? Can’t remember.. If after - at least they could put it down to temporary post simulation confusion, if theyd bothered!

“Alien race has come across kryptonians before and has a means of temporarily depowering them.” Something like a kryptonite dart, or... anything.

It’s not even that good. So, issue 1 ends with the shuttle crashing and the 4 getting out with new powers. Issue 2, the uh, (double mutants?) are in some kind of animal frenzy and immediately attack their allies. The issue is taken up with fighting the other three while Wolverine runs away. The first half of issue 3

2005 mini by Akira Yoshida. Cover title was X4, but solicit and indicia were X-Men/Fantastic Four.

Well, to be fair, Wolverine has been a tiny rage monster for decades.

Legion is hella good, I just hope it’s actually going somewhere.

I just want to know how Gypsy from Earth 34, ends up on Earth 2. If Grodd had her to begin with, why the charade?

You are lucky you have some cool stuff show cause gorram you are the dumbest. Like speedster getting hit by slow moving tranq darts even after getting warning. Or a speedster running straight at a prepared defense and not even phasing through when the shield got in way. Or the “lets freeze someone to near death