
Your last line made me lol. That’s a very funny analogy!

I don’t fully agree with you, but I completely understand how you arrived at that interpretation. I was kinda meh with much of the film myself on first viewing, but then at the end things sort of clicked a bit, and I bought it.

But F&F was working the whole FAMBLY AND CORONAS angle the whole time, which gave it a relatable hook. But don’t take that to mean I disagree with you, because I do not. That’s what I was getting at with the “correct characterizations pls” part of my post. :)

Modern storytelling tends to be more character-driven (which the MCU understands). DC has struggled with this because they’ve always been more about the adventures and hijinks and wow factor of a universe with these powerful beings.

Bitch all you want about there being a multiplicity of super heroes on a super hero show (as I know some of you absolutely will and probably already have), but I really like that Iris gets a chance to experience being a superhero. If for no other reason than that Barry won’t ever be able to be all “ya don’t know what

The delivery on that line was SO important. She came out sounding very endearing and insouciant, instead of bratty and entitled.

What a coincidence, I think that you are shit.

My hope that the Soul Gem isn’t in Wakanda and has nothing to do with Vibranium is pretty high. I think that would cheapen Wakanda and it would needlessly shrink the MCU. There can and should be more to this universe than six singularities forged into ingots.

I think you didn’t watch the same movie that I did.

Shuri was my favorite as well. Such a delightful character and I hope she shows up a lot more in future MCU. Like I would love, love, LOVE to see Tony Stark get a look at her lab and tech and have his eyes fall out of his head when he realizes it was created by such a young girl. :D :D :D

They did explain it. It was in the opening narration, where they said something along the lines of the vibranium interacting with the plant and animal life, which directly led to the existence of the heart-shaped herb.

1) You’re covering because you got called out.

Two. There are TWO Marvel movie-related articles today, and only one of them in any way relates to the rather topical fact of the release of a major motion picture/cultural event based on a superhero. The sort of thing that is kind of explicitly io9's wheelhouse.

Mangold is starting to get annoying.

SOoo it’s not even an example of the article’s subject? Then my question is compounded. Y THO

Maybe I’m just a filthy, uncultured non-biological sciences person, but what the hell was the point of a minute-and-change video showing a water roach dancing in the silt? Like, I expected to see a smaller one pop out of it, Gremlins style. I guess maybe the little green one had done that already, but... enh?

I mean, going the psychological/body horror, monster-within sort of route... that could work really well. I can even think of ways to downplay the Spider-Man angle so this story could take place later on the timeline (which it really should do) and the symbiote wouldn’t necessarily need to be obsessed with Parker

Hahaha what the fuck? Dude can fly, shoot beams from his eyes that are orders of magnitude more powerful than our strongest lasers, can lay waste to several skyscrapers with no discernible damage to his person, can move at speeds barely slower than a dude whose power is speed, and oh yeah also take a nuke to the face

I don’t agree, but I understand grokking it that way.

Easier and less destructive (and more recognizable to an audience) to make a point with a drone than a satellite.