
I’m sad that this really excellent and inventive artwork has to be in service of this terrible fucking story. But chances are I’ll crack this book open in a local comic shop just to watch Miles beat the tar out of Evil!Steve.

See, this concept is what I want to see in a Batman movie. The concept of Gotham Central has kind of been ruined by the existence of, well, Gotham. But doing a show from the viewpoint of the people that Batman ninjas around, the people for whom he is an urban myth until he is a barely seen reality... that’s good

Marvel, I love you, but I am deeply cynical about your intentions and actions with the Always a Big Event bullshit that you’ve been pulling for the past several years.

I don’t normally care for mustaches, but Cavill makes it work. I’m actually impressed. If he keeps that up, he may well end up joining the ranks of such luminaries as Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott in the mustache Hall of Fame.

Skrulls don’t have earthquake powers.

Probably unpopular opinion, but I don’t want them to do this story. It’s a good story, but we’ve already HAD a “the bad guys were among us all along” story with Winter Soldier. Secret Invasion is orders of magnitude worse, but I can’t help feeling like doing this would be just going back to the well.

Was gonna say basically that, myself. But I guess in the DCU, everyone is default in pretty good shape? Probably had to evolve that way just to survive in a world that sees massive super-battles tearing up the place every Wednesday.

This has been an issue in the FoXmen franchise from day one, though. They cherry-pick and change shit up because they know better about what’s cool. We’re at the point where the adaptations barely have any resemblance to the source material except cosmetically. SMDH it’s a crying shame, but what are ya gonna do.

You must be fun at parties.

Yeah, I predict a big dip in the business of all the bars and clubs and whatnot in the country that weekend...

Oh god I would give all the moneys to see Jessica verbally bitchslap Tony. Over and over and over again. Can we crowdfund this? Maybe if we stage it as like a charity thing, the actors wouldn’t ask for prohibitive paychecks.

EDIT: Nevermind

They’re doing the Struckers?! Really?! Really? That’s such a weird fucking choice. I mean, it’s obvious this is the Struckers in name only (and barely that), but still. Of all the characters they coulda used. Huh.

“Dark Knights Metal” sounds kind of awesome, but what they’re giving us doesn’t seem that metal? Except everyone seems to be liking it so maybe I’m thinking of the wrong thing as being “metal.”

Affleck was not the problem with this role, but I think everyone pretty much understands that.

This is bullshit. The “general public” made Guardians of the Galaxy a hit. Both movies. Which means they had no problem with a godlike planet with a face on it.

I like that you said that you found something irksome. Nice stealth reference.

Yeah, sure. I’m here for this. I’m generally favorable toward urban fantasy, and this looks different and barmy enough.

That wasn’t even that long ago. The release cycles of these things has dramatically shortened in just the past . My guess is the reasoning is to make it available while the film is still fresh enough in peoples’ minds that they’ll remember it -- but not so fresh that they don’t need to see it again yet.

Are you in the minority? Because I didn’t hear a lot of people shitting on it. LOVING IT MADLY, not so much; the consensus that I saw seemed to be that it was good and fun but not mind-blowing.