
While I can’t fathom who could have been demanding a remake of this flick... that is a very intriguing cast. I’m not familiar with all of them, but the ones I do know, I definitely like.

It doesn’t. At all.

What is

I still don’t understand why Spider-Man: Homecoming’s poster had to have Happy Hogan on it. Not one single Iron Man poster had Happy Hogan on it.

Okay, I’m calling it. Disney’s poster designers need to be banned from using Photoshop until they take remedial classes.

If you mean the dumbass behind-the-scenes bullshit when you’re talking about Suicide Squad “hype”, then yes: Wonder Woman didn’t have that, because Patty Jenkins’ crew were professionals. ;p

Priyanka Chopra could probably pull off just about anything - she has the skills and talent, from what I’ve seen - but if she wants interesting powers, she does not want Batgirl. (I think either she just wants to work with Joss, or Batgirl is the only game in town right now for a female-led superhero film. I think

I want to have faith in the studio having finally learned its fucking lesson (because Wonder Woman makes a very compelling case for this), and are moving away from the things that made 2016's offerings such dreck. I want to think that they’ll have a good script that gives us something new and serves the characters

I had the same thought and have the same hope. :)

Why, thank you.

I can do it, but I’m a professional graphic artist who just went freelance. It would be bad timing for that to show up on my search results. ;p lol

Honestly, this is why I love superheroes even though I “should have outgrown” them a long time ago: inspiration to be better.

I feel like Mewmew actually coming to his hand might point to a distinction there*.

I was gonna say “come on, 2009 wasn’t that long ago, what about Tim Drake” and then I realized that we are now in 2017 and 2009 was almost a decade ago.

I feel like I’m the only person on Earth who doesn’t need, want, or care about the Punisher Netflix show.

RIGHT? How fucking perfect is she?! Sincerely. The Expanse is redonkulously great with its casting.

I have so many problems with your post. Are you trolling, or are you really this ignorant?

They really took their time establishing the characters. And I agree, it was to the detriment of interest. But that time payed off huge, huge dividends by the time the plot gained traction. It’s a sad diliemma, to be sure.

Hey, I already said I didn’t especially like the movie. You don’t have to tell me. lol

“He was so incompetent!”