
Odette Annable is so much better in every way than Megan Fox that the joke becomes almost a weird meta twist thing.

I like Odette. She’s fun to watch. I think she’ll do a great job as a villain and I’m looking forward to seeing how that shakes out.

Really? That’s what you call a spoiler? Fuck’s sake, life must be really difficult for you.

Sure, after Wonder Woman has to fly coach in BvS, she says “fuck it” and goes to her magical hidden Greek(ish?) island which in every incarnation I’ve seen is not what anyone would call “technologically advanced” and gets the invisible jet that has been sitting there unused for a few centuries.

Okay, I got turned off on Lucifer for some reason I don’t actually recall anymore. I think a lot of it is I’m just sooooooo tired of the endless Judeo-Christian mythology romps that is basically any supernatural show anymore. I’m not any brand of Christian (although it should be noted I am not anti-Christian either)

I’m glad it’s WWI because it I can’t think of nearly the number of WWI-era movies as I can WW2. So I’m okay with this being set apart in that way. But also it’s sort of begging for “Wonder Woman I”; “Wonder Woman II” – or is that too obvious?

I thought they were quitting these Big Event stories. :(

I mean, he was already pissed that Peter is in high school “again.” Making the point that for 90% of Spider-Man’s career, he was not a high-schooler and certainly not in the past 25 years or so. Which is a point I can’t really argue with, but if you’re showing him near the beginning, he kinda does have to be in high

My feeling is it fits to have some Iron Man in there to some extent, but it’s vitally important that he doesn’t take over the whole thing. I guess we’ll see how well they pull that off.

I don’t want this. I don’t want yet another reminder that Sony has its head so far up its own ass that it can lick its own esophagus.

“His first name is Agent.”

Glad to know I’m not the only one!

Man, the Valiant universe... I like everything I’ve read, which amounts to a couple of TPBs (a few years ago when they were apparently doing a cold reboot of their universe or something?): Harbinger, Archer & Armstrong, Quantum & Woody. But somehow none of them stood out for me; none of them particularly made me want

Yeah, co-signed. I don’t know about boning a vampire, but I would absolutely get down with Beckinsale.

I am one of those apparently rare nerds who doesn’t re-watch Star Wars movies with any great consistency or regularity; certainly I have never marathoned more than the Original Trilogy (and that was just the one time).

People see what they want to see. Eventually, if they’re lucky, Haley Joel Osment will come into their lives and help them realize that they were actually dead all along.

Good job, now I’m gonna have power shredding in my head all night. 😜

How devastating for the family. My heart goes out to them all (including poor Autumn, may she find peace), and I’m glad that they made the decision to work through it together.

I personally kind of like the idea of seeing what it’ll be like with the classic horror monsters showing up in the modern era. As those classic monsters, not weird bastardized knockoffs or generic mooks.

I’ve mentioned it elsewhere, but Sofia Boutella being in it is what tipped me over into definitely wanting to watch this film. She is always such a scene stealer in everything I’ve seen her in. But yes of course also Tom Cruise and an airplane stunt. :p