Yeah, Darabont does a great job with the material he uses.
Yeah, Darabont does a great job with the material he uses.
Stand By Me, Shawshank and Green Mile come to mind.
I'm really looking forward to this. Seems like it's been a while since we had a decent Stephen King film.
You win points for that.
AHA! That's the book I should be reading next. Thanks for reminding me, Charlie Jane! :)
I JUST WATCHED THIS a little while ago! And it stands up great. And I can't think of one modern actress that can outshine early 90s Jennifer Connelly. Period, full stop.
"Smaller scale" ≠ more cosmic. But I agree on wanting to see Ms. Marvel. Maybe in the teased larger events?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I waited too long and MISSED IT! *cries*
There hasn't been a one of these yet that I wouldn't pay cash money to own and read. Provided, of course, that they had decent stories and weren't just a stunt, y'know?
Aaaaaaand the award for "Completely Missing the Point" goes to...
You Obviously Like Owls.
Thanks! I'll have to check that shit out.`
Do you know where I can read up on this? I generally try to avoid reading industry news ahead of time, but now that I've sort of stopped going to the comic store, it might be the only way to keep up.
I haven't. The movie or the clips. FWIW.
Yes. Yes, it was.
Oh, NO! That's so unfortunate. But he lived large, he lived if nothing else through his Stainless Steel Rat, one of my favorite characters.