
Well, that was cool, getting into his head a little. I really liked the first few Odd books, although the most recent one kind of fell flat for me. And I do like his books in general — although I'm pretty irregular in my consumption.

Honestly? I don't trust humanity to make that kind of choice about itself yet. I don't think enough of the answers have been uncovered and codified to come close to safely making that sort of decision.

The Yahoo article I read indicated it's meant to be more of a drama. I'm not sure how that even fucking works with this property — and my source is Yahoo, so grain of salt — but that might clear up the casting slightly. Then again, it might not. I don't think O'Connell has really figured out his acting voice; all you

I'd like that, actually. It would be rad to see a major superhero that wasn't, y'know, American (Thor notwithstanding) and the culture that would back him up. After all, he's got an ENTIRELY different reason (and origin) for being a superhero than any of the American heroes I can think of that have had adaptations. It

Welp, guess I won't go see it then!

There is also the possibility (which I choose to consider a likelihood) that there are so many other civilizations to hang out with that are much more conveniently located, that why would anyone make the effort to come way the hell out here to visit?

There was that Dinosaur Comics that sort of covered that.

I want to like Kirsten Stewart — mainly because it's clear we're never going to be rid of her — but every time I read transcriptions of her talking, I kind of get stabby. I can't account for it. You'd think I'd be used to vacuous by now, living as I do in Southern California.

Well, yeah. I'm not sure how you think that's different from what I'm saying.

I seriously would like to know which part of this Meredith considers crazypants, and why. This seems pretty standard, even schlocky sci-fi fare.


Seems to me this stuff opens cans of worms that we as a race aren't really ready to deal with yet. The lameness of which sends me into a frothy rage every time I think of it, but we're still dealing with racism, poverty (in developed nations, to say nothing of the third world), famine, etc., etc. The countries of the

I really, REALLY like those ideas. Have you got any further reading on that, even if only fiction? I'm very interested in reading up on that.

Aha. I did miss something. Thanks. :)

Wait, wait. The intro text says "David Hasselhoff", but the body copy says "David Koechner" — which the photo would seem to bear out. Am I missing something?

Except they kind of did that already in IM2. If they can bring something new to that formula, great. But if it's just warmed-over IM2...well, that won't tent my pants.

Exactly! I'd rather they simply set the hero up against a more powerful villain (but not so powerful that he has to bring in his Avenging buddies — or else that there'd be a reason he couldn't). They do it in the comics like every month...!

I really, REALLY hope they're not going to try to have three villains thing for IM3. That didn't work for Spidey3 at ALL — although to be fair, that was primarily because every villain "needed" their own origin story.

That's not Disney. That's from the comic book adaptations that have nothing to do with Disney (although I forget which company does them). But those books do lay the fan service pretty thick, which yeah, does kind of turn me away.

Maybe I just missed a lot of TV (this is *highly* likely) but doesn't Quantum Leap get any props anywhere? Seemed to me it broke plenty of ground, especially for its time.