
Another case for being a picky eater who prefers meat and white bread. Although I do also love potatoes, so I guess I'm gonna die.

Man, and I thought regular rat-dogs were ugly.

Leaks that must be taken with grains of salt! I mean, yeah, I take your point, and I flat-out loved the Ultimates story, but I'm not convinced that's what they're cribbing from. I won't mind if it is. I'm just not convinced, and I won't be convinced until I see the actual movie. :D

I'm really tired of "edgy re-imaginings". If everyone is being edgy, it's not edgy anymore, is it now? Gorram it.

You know, I'd totally watch a movie with the classic Universal monsters — if they'd do it in the classic Universal Monsters style. Like Monster Squad. A bit of camp, a bit of light horror, and the beautifully recognizable character designs.

Well... the Asgardians are meant to be aliens, too, innit? I can see them fighting Asgardians if Loki's twitching strings (as suggested by the Thor closer). Or it could be anyone related to Thanos.

Cool. Can't wait to see those human-alien hybrids.

It does. They were just trying to shoehorn it into another well-known "outcast" slogan. But "Out and Proud" has rather more of a ring to it.

This is silly.

I believe that ought to be Jack's "newfound mortality".

I like Drake's costume, and if they can manage to make the book not suck anymore (seriously, I can't even read it anymore; the dialogue and plots have been fucking awful), and particularly make Superboy not suck anymore, I'll be happy. I know, it's all going to go back to normal in a few months or a year or whatever.

This! I would LOVE to see a Companion from a completely different era. Young women are still okay with me, but otherwise... for example, I'd've loved to see Madame Pompadour be a Companion for a bit. The anachronisms alone would've made it sooooo fun.

It does on the "July" picture. I had the same question so I looked closer and noticed the little captions. The larger shot is the "December" view.

Ah, thank you.

So basically Teen Wolf has been neutered. Great.

No. It's totally a typo.

I read all the comments, expecting SOMEONE to have made a "I WILL DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE" joke. No one? Really?

I really don't want to be Mr. Always Shilling Unpublished Manuscript, but I do have a manuscript you might enjoy reading.

That reminds me: If you're still interested, I'll need your email address so I can send over my manuscript for your entertainment. Based on your comment here, I think you really would enjoy it. (I hate to be the guy who's always shilling, but whatever.)

Now I want a milkshake. Thanks.