
Yup. Excited for May 6th. Not quite as excited as I am for the first of May, of course.

Well, y'know. I was always going to see this, and in the theatre, most likely opening weekend. I mean shit, I've seen every superhero movie of the last decade except Catwoman. But this trailer definitely gives me some confidence I will also have a good time while I'm seeing it. And in the final analysis, that's the

That would be awesome, not silly. Ultron and Dr. Horrible teaming up against Captains Hammer and America? I'd be there on opening night. Hell, I'd do the midnight screening.

Did I miss a memo somewhere? Where is this conception coming from to only hook celluloid Superman up with skinny blondes? Don't get me wrong, all of those ladies are quite pretty — but something about the Superman + skeletal blonde equation bugs the shit out of me.

@Fontzpack: Hey now. My mom was in Superman III. You can't shit on it like that.

I can't say I agree with the "change our bodies, change our selves" thing, but whatever, I can go with it for the show.

@taxbaby: That is exactly what I was going to say.

Aw yeah. That was an awesome time, seriously. Right on the brink of a major change, and I loved the feeling that I was living in that time, y'know?

@BioLady: I'm pretty sure I still have an all-text computer somewhere.

@FrankenPC: THIS! I've been saying it for years — our planet can totally handle the threat of "overpopulation" if it were simply organized properly.

@Xenarian: I was kind of being snarky — but yeah, I've sort of had that issue a little. I avoid most 3D on principle, but the movies I've seen that way didn't really bug me noticeably. Then again, I get random headaches on a quite frequently, so I may have thought it was that. *shrug*

I'm in the "3D gives headaches" camp.

@Dances with Peeps: @Aethyr: @bishop1j: Well guys, that's fair enough. I didn't mean to be totally dismissive; I'm just sort of already over vamped so, y'know.

They're trying to be as edgy and clever as True Blood. I guess it would help if they were actually edgy and clever. I don't watch either show (I'm frankly a little over-exposed on vampires), but the fact it's on CW, a network whose only saving grace appears to be Supernatural, sort of makes it unlikely.

@corpore-metal: No yeah, that was understood. But it seemed to me like this was your reasoned understanding, opposed to something spoon-fed that you just swallowed. And I always respect opinions so formed, even when I disagree.

@corpore-metal: Cool, I think I'm catching what you're tossing.

@corpore-metal: I couldn't resist the opportunity to relevantly quote Shepherd Book. I hope you understand. :D

@cmdrtugboat: Reading my post back, I confused myself, so I'll rephrase, just in case: I'm saying I disagree with people who insist we're just meat sacks. That view just does not jibe with my own experiences and observations. Diagnosing human behavior solely via genetics and stimulus response just doesn't work for