
@Curran Dickinson: Because the birds expect fireworks on the 4th of July.

@OkayOctane: We'll still mock you for the hat. At least add a modicum of style; use the foil to line a fez or a Stetson or something. Because those are cool.

@8x10: Thank you for the warning. Lesser thanks for leaving me with a burning curiosity that will last all dang day. I sure hope denouement is on par with the anticipation...

@Eriah: I second that. There is no way this hasn't happened. For science.

Why do the Being Human guys all have weird hair going on? That scares me more than the idea of vampires and werewolves. (A lot more, actually, as I love the idea of vampires and werewolves [except as interpreted by Stephanie Meyer].)

@FabDex: I don't think that word means what you think it means. Especially since you think it's two words.

Fie on you for your value judgements on the correct term for carbonated high-fructose corn syrup beverage.

@Smeagol92055: Yeah I thought the Hulk movie did a pretty good job of that, too. The Norton Hulk, not the Bana Hulk.

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: I do now.

@Scimarad: I remember that scene. It was epic (Forge of God).

@collex: I'd guess Pratchett, then. Other than Adams, he seems most likely to have said something like that. Then again, I'm afraid my knowledge of British humor novelists is woefully inadequate (because I haven't read them all; I'm truly disappointed in myself for this).

@collex: Hitchhiker's series? Seems familiar, at any rate.

@Wookielifeday: But fairy tales ARE dark and gritty. If anything, the "sweetness and light" versions are alterations.

@sephycloneno15: There's also plenty of instances in the insect/arachnid worlds where the female straight kills the male after mating. So, I dunno. If you're gonna make some kind of sexism statement here, it still sounds like lower-order males really get the short end.

I thought I solved the mystery, as I have a friend in AK who said he'd been cutting some nasty farts lately.

@Dunny0: Damn it. You totally beat me to it.

@Wookielifeday: For my part, I'm conflicted. I love both of those actors (especially Gemma), but I'm not sure they'll be able to overcome being dipped in cheese.

@ijustwritebooks: I think she's the Doctor in a far-future incarnation and folding back along hisher own timeline because heshe's bored and possibly semi-amnesiac.