
@tralfaz23: I know! That was hilarious! Another bit of excellent characterization.

@Dr. Grizzly: Hahaha indeed so. The internet is great for finding like-minded people, but it's also great for humbling experiences.

@collex: Man, yeah. That was an EPIC snit.

@collex: Yeah that's pretty much how I feel about it.

@0035: Properly edited, that would be kinda cool!

@shan164: Fair point. Maybe we'll be lucky. I'd love to see that.

I was going to say how I hoped the rave makes it to the DVD extras, and then I realized the whole reason for it was the gorram cameras being inop.

For me, oddly enough, it was ST:TNG that really snagged me. Star Wars had been around my whole life - I even had a bedroom with a Darth Vader light switch, Star Wars wallpaper and Star Wars blanket - so I sort of took it for granted. Then ST:TNG came along and I loved the shit out of it.

@MrGOH: Oh snap. Eat that, Bay.

@icy_one: Yes, that was my reaction, also!

@foolish-rain: My personal favorite is Lucy Brown. Although Karen Gillian is, predictably, climbing the ranks.

@Norseness: The accent definitely has a lot to do with it. I don't know what it is, but I likes it.

@Dr. Grizzly: LMFAO! Well played, sir. Well, played.

@AgentTee: I know. How do you think I acquired the taste? (I'm Canadian, though it's been a long time since I've gone home.)

Wait, which Avengers are we talking about? The one that's in production, or the one with Emma Peel?

@orbit: Honestly, I can't answer that without sounding bitter (which I'm not, exactly). Let's just say when you've got lots of beautiful people running around, that doesn't actually equate to more for everyone. It just means everyone's standards get over-inflated and emphases get misplaced.

@Norseness: LOL no, it's the food, TV and women I want that are in the UK. I have a thing for dark-eyed women with UK accents; I miss the hell out of English chocolate (yes, I can find it in specialty shops here, but it's not cheap) and I don't think I need to elucidate about the TV.


@Dunny0: I never got that he was conning people; I always thought he really did kind of go for the holistic idea.