@AgentCoop: May you have twice the number.
@AgentCoop: May you have twice the number.
I agree with the bulk of the comments: I'm down with more stories of that universe, but Pots himself is done. A cameo, maybe, but that's it.
I don't care who gets cast: I don't want Venom in the reboot. I also don't want Green Goblin, FYI, because that fucker is played the hell out.
@AgentCoop: Hile.
I got a nasty jolt when I read the Doctor Who bit. Because let's just say I share a name with a former British PM who isn't Margaret Thatcher.
@Alizarin: No, it's not news to we fanboys, but it's good that the actor gets it. Y'know?
@99TelepodProblems: +1
@lightninglouie: I preferred Encyclopedia Brown, myself.
@Dunny0: Thought I should mention that this exchange made my day. Banter makes me happy.
@Kulei Pickles: To each their own. I don't hold it against you.
Don't we sort of get some of this from Supernatural?
@omgwtflolbbqbye: You cynical, cynical person. I am shocked that you would think this voting would be sullied by cults of personality.
@Dunny0: It's so we know who the douchebags are.
Thundercougarfalconbirds may be my favorite portmanteau of the week. Possibly even the month.
In other news, I still want Morena Baccharin to have my babies, in spite of the bad haircuts and unflattering pantsuits.
@MrGOH: I interpreted this as pure snark. Sort of a tongue-in-cheek toeing of the party line.
Hmm, just a random thought; maybe I should ask the physicist... but if people had artificial gravity, might they not therefore have a superior/alternative drive for getting around? Seems like gravity manipulation would have further-reaching consequences than have heretofore been explored (at least that I know of).
It's not aliens.