
I'd like the add the trope about how the Doctor seems to think humans aren't supposed to evolve into something more, EVER. It keeps happening where some event comes along to push the race into posthuman and he stops it, indignantly dithering about how it's not supposed to be that way.

Well, what's to stop the teeth from getting infected all over again is proper dental hygiene, isn't it? Lol

@Arken: +1 for my second chortle of snarkalicious glee. Well played, sir.

I just like the "well, maybe" bit. That made me chortle with snarkalicious glee.

Awww shiiitttt. How did I not know about this? *sad face*

@entropymaker: I don't think anyone but those directly involved with that film wanted any amount of money spent on Marmaduke. Just saying.

@Asha L Kydd: I agree entirely with entrophymaker. The vast majority of Americans (and to be fair, Canadians) that I encounter, would not sit through the original movie. It's not even a question of relative intelligence or capabilities, although people like to say that it is so they can be all superior. It's a

Y'know... I really enjoyed the original. Like a lot of you guys. And I agree that it was perfectly cromulent a movie.

Unfamiliar with the actor but he at least looks the part. Mostly. But yeah, I hope they don't go overboard on making him "cool". Let's not forget the weird outcastiness that drives him to contemplate wearing spandex in the first place. (Because "cool" people would never do that. They'd use their powers for the

@lodown: I second the "ha" and raise you a guffaw.

@zegota: I'll tell you what. He started doing stuff "for his kids".

@jsmuli2: Her jacket is unnecessary, is what. Plus I'm no fashionista but I'm pretty sure that kind of jacket hasn't been stylish for 10-15 years now.

I like it, actually. But as alluded to by many in the comments: Loose the damned jacket.

Love it. I particularly love the track names. Seeing "Nothin' Twixt my Nethers" on something packaged from a much simpler time is beyond funny.

Has anyone made a "monkey business" joke yet? Seems like there should be a "monkey business" joke.

For some properties, it works - even makes sense - to have the movie version and TV version completely disconnected from one another. Superman comes most immediately to mind.

Not clear on why this is desirable (I think I'm dumb today). Does this allow for faster computation?

@FrankN.Stein: LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAA AAAA, heart of glass LA LA LA, LA LA LA LA