I'm not that interested in living longer if it also means being old and decrepit.
I'm not that interested in living longer if it also means being old and decrepit.
@Goatse Fan Fiction: I would watch that. I would TOTALLY watch that. In theatres, even.
@ProfessorSara: +1
I'm not even really a Blue Beetle fan, but I'd watch that show. Unless and until the main character turned out to be a do-nothing pussy who refused to take any kind of risks in spite of being pretty much invulnerable to everything. Unless one of his…
All right, so Mad Men clearly has influence over there.
@FrankN.Stein: You, sir, are eating off my menu.
@Gaudy Mouse Muad'Dib: Forced perspective, dear Mouse.
Wow. I'm torn between sort of want and terror that this is freely available.
@Reavyn: "Annoying person go awayer". +2
@GirlLibrarian: +1
@robotwaste: *rimshot*
@Roklimber: Well, can't argue with that. Although I'm gonna say there IS a market for horrifically bad-science disaster films, so they're almost certainly looking at the bottom line rather than scientific accuracy.
@atrus123: No, has to be Tugg Speedman, as someone else whose comment I now cannot find said.
@AmishJohn: Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
@Rintor: Well, now we know why he's having a hard time finding his kid.
@Roklimber: Well, technically it would be the screenwriter who really screwed the pooch on that one. Leterrier is merely an idiot. XP
@Smeagol92055: +1
@vinylrake: +1
@Mark 2000: THAT I would actually have gone to see. The camp factor would've made it worth it.
@FrankN.Stein: I agree; why the hell bring it into New York? Maybe because that's what people DID in the 80s and the conceit is itself somehow nostalgic? haha *gag*