Malcom Warner

Dennis Reynolds is exactly what would happen if Patrick Bateman had suddenly lost access to all his family wealth and connections prior to leaving college.

"The Gang’s harmonizing is actually not bad at all, right? It strikes me as something the actors like to do as a goof that they decided to put into an episode."
They've done this several times in previous episodes, including the "Jihad Tape" one where they jump-cut to them sitting in the bar, harmonizing the end of

Yeah, this confused me too. Mac has always been homophobic (and possibly a repressed homosexual himself), but Frank, Dee, Dennis, and Charlie have repeatedly been shown to be completely comfortable with if not supportive of homosexuality.

Yeah but the difference between Charlie and Dee/Dennis is that Dee/Dennis had a wealthy, privileged upbringing which gave them a false veneer of confidence to make up for their emotional neglect. So they turned into somewhat more refined, calculating psychopaths whereas Charlie has had no advantages in anything

Have you ever…….. seen this show before? From the very beginning, Sunny has made a point of reinforcing that these people have basically no moral convictions and will abandon or join any cause or ethical position and/or turn on each other at the drop of the hat for practically any reason if there is some kind of

"The high-fiving and backslapping; the casual misogyny; the barely-concealed testosterone-poisoned hostility behind the “good-natured” insults; the continuous yukking it up as if they’re in the middle of the greatest party we’ll never be invited to;"

Oh, I don't disagree with you on that front. Jesse has a million and one very good reasons to want to kill Walt (in fact I'm reasonably certain that's how Walt is going to die on Sunday), but I was just saying that the particular action of poisoning Brock was not as bad as the Nazi's killing Andrea. In fact it's not

I think "an action that makes Walt no better than the Nazis" is a bit of a stretch. What Walt did was absolutely reprehensible, but he didn't actually KILL Brock. He made the kid sick but was careful to give him a low enough dose so that he wouldn't die. The Nazis straight up killed Andrea. I think most people would

Maybe it wasn't implied and I'm just inferring, but I think the whole "Gretchen cheated on Walt" thing is an entirely plausible theory. I mean, he abruptly breaks up with her and she just *happens* to end up marrying Elliot later. It's not absurd to think that they were having an affair, Walt found out about it and

There was a flashback (I forget which episode) that shows Walter and Skyler from 16 years earlier (when she was pregnant with Walter Jr.) doing a walkthrough with a real estate agent of the house that would end up becoming their home during the series. Skyler wants to buy it but Walt keeps saying that they should look

Maybe I missed this, but have they explained the specific reason(s) why Walt left Grey Matter? I think it was implied that it was because Gretchen was having an affair with Elliot while she was dating Walt but as far as I know they never fully gave us the backstory on this. Either way it seemed like an incredibly dumb

I think the writers for Dexter deserve some kind of prize for managing to create a series finale that was even worse than the final episode of Lost.

Nah. Everyone has their guilty pleasures. A friend of mine is a Harvard-educated chemist who watches "Keeping up With the Kardashians" religiously. Sometimes people need to just turn off their brains and watch something mindless for a few hours.

I disagree. With a full beard, a full head of hair, those hipster glasses, and the chemo weight loss, he looks like a totally different person.

1) Walt doesn't know that Lydia wants Skyler dead, and she's never crossed him. He has no reason to try and kill her.

Walt doesn't know that Lydia wants to kill Skyler. He (rightly) assumes that Jack's crew wants to kill her, but ironically they are the ones keeping Lydia at bay there. Walt has been in NH for months - he has no way of knowing what's going on.

It's really not that hard. He called from a bar payphone and said he was "Walter White", they traced it back and sent local cops. By the time they got there he had left the bar and probably gone back to the cabin. The cops probably chalked it up to some drunk guy making a prank call. I doubt they would canvas the

Todd may want to bang Lydia but he's not going to kill Skyler for her. Despite his fake naiveté, the guy is a very intelligent, calculating psychopath who knows that killing Skyler right now would expose their operation to unacceptable risk with the authorities. Todd is manipulating Lydia, not the other way around.

Yeah, I don't see what reason Walt would have to kill her. She never crossed him and doesn't really have any incentive to rat him out since she has a lot more to lose than he does. The only thing I could see motivating him to do that is to get even with Jack & Todd, but at this point Walt has no idea Todd is into

Todd is one of the scariest TV characters I've ever seen. You nailed it - he puts on this false mask of uncertainty and naiveté, but really he is a cold, calculating psychopath who knows exactly what he is doing and manipulates everyone around him expertly. Even his Nazi uncle doesn't realize what kind of person he's