Malcom Warner

Counterpoint: Unbreakable was a fucking terrible film.

They definitely have a patrilineal system that makes the closest living male relative to the king the default heir to the throne if the kings sons are all dead. But usually this only applies to trueborn males. So I guess the question is whether a trueborn female outranks a bastard male in Westerosi law/custom.

Call it a guilty pleasure or whatever, but I legitimately enjoyed the band Orgy (and still do). They had a much more interesting sound than most of their late 90s pop contemporaries.

True, but the economic burden faced by Millenials is far worse than anything Gen X has endured, largely because of:

Millenials can't really be Boomers 2.0 because their own circumstances prevent it. They are crushed with student loans, can't afford to buy houses, face dim career prospects and will eventually have to figure out a way to pay off the national debt. They don't even have the opportunity to repeat the mistakes the

Generally, yes. But the Targaryan House is different from others in that Targaryan kings almost exclusively married and (bred with) their own sisters. This led to:

The Boomers are empirically the worst generation of at least the past century, if not the entire history of America. Their parents defeated fascism and built America into a prosperous superpower with massive shared infrastructure, well-funded social safety nets, elite public universities, and a strong middle class

Does Jon have the greater claim though? Dany is actually the daughter of the Mad King, whereas Jon is his grandson. I guess in a patrilineal system that would theoretically give him priority, but he's also a prince's bastard whereas Dany is the trueborn daughter of the king and queen.

There basically was a Targaryan genocide, or at least an attempt at one. The books explain this in more detail than the show, but towards the end of Robert's Rebellion the remaining living Targaryans were as follows (and their fates in parenthesis):

Vague spoilers are still spoilers

Might want to put a spoiler tag on this comment, bro. Most of us haven't read the script leaks and aren't interested in having future plot details revealed in advance. Thanks.

Two long-term questions I have about Dany:

Blackwater Bay is massive and Dragonstone is at the very mouth of it (at least a hundred miles away from KL, maybe two hundred). There's also another large island and portions of the mainland (the bay curves north) between Kings Landing and Dragonstone. It's not even remotely within visual range of the Red Keep.

Depends on how good/plentiful Cersei's scouts were. Spycraft was always Vary's game, and he's working for Dany now.

Some of you got mad I spent so much time on “time” last week, but when the entirety of Dany’s Dothraki army caught up to Jaime’s forces before they made it back to King’s Landing, my brain broke all over again. To reiterate: I get why the shortcuts are happening, and agree with the decision in the abstract, but the

Exactly. Bronn sees the Lannisters as his ticket to wealth and status. Tyrion proved to be a valuable patron to serve for a time, but after he was driven out of Westeros, Jaime became his patron. Bronn knows that his fortunes are linked to Jamie's fate

Import it how? Her navy was destroyed by the Greyjoys and she has no money to hire merchant ships.

This episode did a good job of establishing that dragons are not invincible. Bronn alone came very close to taking Drogon down with a single ballista. A whole unit of them could be a legitimate threat against the dragons. But even without them, Dany is still a formidable force. Her Dothraki horde alone is larger than

This is better explained in the books than the show, but the lords and knights of the Vale do not like or trust Littlefinger at all and their alliance with him is extremely rocky. Aside from his generally unsavory reputation all over Westeros, the Vale aristocracy considers Baelish an upjumped minor lord of an

I really didn't see their dynamic as that one-sided. Jon gives as well as he gets in their arguments and repeatedly refuses to bend the knee to her. They are both very stubborn and prideful people who butt heads almost immediately upon meeting. It actually makes the sexual tension more believable.