
Seems like more of these anti-tax Tea Party types should make themselves useful for once and start making states pass laws that prevent these deals from happening. But when that asshat Scott Walker gave those hedge fund fuckers in Milwaukee a sweetheart deal, I knew these guys were just all hat and no cattle. That was

Wow, you know someone’s grasping at straws when they try to compare a founding member leaving the EU with the actions of a country that was never part of the EU in the first place.

This is what we call being a “sore winner.”

hey I’m in LA and I use metro pretty regularly.

Glad to see Dellavedova playing some pickup games to stay in shape this offseason.

i read the original (non-deadspin) article that this is all based on. i don’t care enough to read their take on it, but iirc the only shady stuff going on was with johnny’s uncle or some family member and they moved because of it. cock-fighting and whatever i saw when i scanned over is a totally minor detail. is

Lol I just found out that under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which deals with the (til-now theoretical) situation of a country leaving the EU, the terms of exit are determined and voted upon only by the remaining 27 countries - meaning that all those UKIP/Leave promises about what breaking with the EU would be

So let me get this straight, the UK is about to leave the EU, the PM is about to resign, and the world economy is about to go on a tailspin... all because more than half the UK thought this was make believe? How do you think your vote doesnt count? Isn’t that the point of a democratic system? That your vote counts?

Him x 17m right now.

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

Always tryna get at that 2nd Amendment.

You mean “We copied the Spurs, like any good Silicon Valley Company would do.”

sweet! This is particularly gratifying for me, having been a die hard Iceland fan ever since I read your article on them last week!

How else you gonna break through the Face Time Continuum?