
Nothing wrong with letting the oil get up to operating temperature and viscosity in really cold temperatures

I don't think that's necessarily true. AWD is definitely a better alternative to either assuming all other variables being equal.

The cold air will under-inflate them a bit anyway

Didn't they say 4?

To some extent I suppose. But if you look up Clarkson's teeth and see before this episode something has seriously changed.

Anyone notice Jezza's teeth this episode? They look like they're rotting out of his head.

I have an extended family member with one of these. He parked it on another family member's lawn for a few days. Amazing to look at. Punctured a tire (ouch $$) shortly after and it took a ton of people to get the new one on despite the hydraulic lowering system meant to make it easier.

Yeah, but after the first time you can think rationally once the initial shock is over

That's different though

The expansion chambers would be pretty massive if they did it manifold style, I think this is the only way for it to work well

I know right? People can be so irrational. What good will screaming do? Nothing, literally nothing

Factory hoonigan decals. Yes.

Is it geared really short or did you just run out of space to go faster? I saw in the SpeedHunters article that you were at top speed but I found that a bit hard to believe

Drunk and then hurt please!

I don't think it's necessarily more rubber, there are no sidewalls remember

That sounds beautiful. It's like a ferrari and a big block had a baby.

This is good, the world is good.

Mmmm differentials. I can't wait to get out of class and watch all of these.

You spelled Malcolm Gladwell's name wrong :(

That's lame. A little inefficiency isn't worth driving an AMG instead of a Toyota?