In the Mighty Car Mods Mini Type R engine series they show how the Honda’s could be mounted the way they are and still have equal length half shafts. Very cool stuff
In the Mighty Car Mods Mini Type R engine series they show how the Honda’s could be mounted the way they are and still have equal length half shafts. Very cool stuff
Doesn’t the battery heat itself up before launching in ludicrous mode to get a temporary power boost? They’re missing out on whatever bump that gives too.
Holy Grand Cherokee twin. The side profile is so similar.
4 Litres of sexy, sexy Amsoil Synthetic for my motorcycle. Thanks, Santa.
Drew Bowler died on Monday the 14th. Sad news, but a great legacy.
That thing looks A LOT like a Durango from behind. If they’re trying to make a Range Rover fighter out of a Durango they’ve got their work cut out for them.
It’s also not a buy it now price.
I noticed that as well. How do you get in the damn thing!
It’s nice to finally see a McLaren for the everyman. However I’m 6 foot three, will I be able to fit in this?
Still cheaper than common rail diesel injectors.
In Eastern Canada diesel is 7 cents per litre cheaper. 83 cents/L
What’s he going to say? Excuse me sir could you stop making the car hop? Next time please don’t turn?
I ate 14 at your place doing that exact thing while you were out... How many did you eat?
Does that little carrier thing behind the stairs have jeep taillights?
Heisman Trophy winner =/= bad at football
Did anyone else notice that the power to weight on the bike was way off in the explanation? They said it had 77 (I think) Bhp/Tonne when according to their HP and weight figures it should actually have said 725. This puts it quite far ahead of the others in terms of power.
Unpopular opinion here but it’s more useful to the average consumer than a real wheel drive car is. It’s driven as a rental or by old people who don’t need 400 hp and a back end that will come around in the snow
The front end looks like a Volvo and from the side the ass end looks like a Range Rover. Not exactly the most creative. It’s like the Bentley incident all over again.
I think the 9 lbs of boost or whatever they said it was is a key point here. That’s not much boost and quite a bit of power. Especially with the conservative timing and rich mixture. Overall it’s a pretty safe sounding build. They could probably turn it way up and make some pretty huge numbers but that might get risky.