
You always had the choice on whether to play The Answer or not. In P3 FES, you have to make a new save file for The Answer campaign from the main game. Nothing carries over. You don’t even need a cleared save file to play it (I played the original release, bought FES, and only played The Answer). It’s completely

Odds are they won’t release a version with everything in it. They could’ve added it to Persona 3 Portable at any time and didn’t. Not even when it got ‘remastered’ for console/pc release.

Hey man, owning the Magic Castle ain’t cheap. He’s gotta finance it SOMEHOW, right?!

Add that to the fact that XBox is releasing a few 1st Party games on PS and Nintendo the FTC will not have a leg to stand on. MS can point to their strategy of being both a platform/console holder, and 3rd party developer depending on the titles.

Did anyone else read that statement as if it was spat out through gritted teeth? I know that’s not really his style, but the words 100% read like that to me 😅

There are several recent posts that have been given a single, confusingly sparse article tag. The post about Anthem, for example, was tagged only with Bandai Namco, which was tangentially referenced just once (and in passing) within the text.

I doubt that,  after buying Activion and getting away with it,  they can buy a small studio like Gearbox without anyone batting an eye

Trust Randy to be able to come through as a 100% dicky douche in a statement that in two lines of text doesn’t say anything at all.

Kotaku tagged this Microsoft.  Interesting or coincidental?

They already know whats next. a good chunk of them are about to be joining 10,000 other poeple who got “restructured out” while Randy Pitchford makes a couple dozen million dollars out of the whole thing

i like that end where you just give up, everyone is so happy

Even still, how genuine is anyone on the right when they tout their allegedly “pro labor” stances? Most of them are rich, Ivy league educated jerks who seem more about distracting people with culture war horse shit while they pick their constituents’ pockets.

Gotta put this up on the lazy article list.

*chef’s kiss*

After getting accused of being in a movie that’s tOo WoKE! for the Daily Wire crowd, it seems like Gina decided she better try to... get recast in The Mandalorian?  

From The Hollywood Reporter:

You mean, you weren’t one of the fives of people who went out on opening day to see Prayer of the Terry–er, Terror on the Prairie, rather?! It made a whopping $804 in the US that day... boffo box office!

Did the Ben Shapiro Cinematic Universe not work out for you, Gina?

Already pulling a Sinema by the looks of it

I think demanding that Hamas (or any allied or successor organization) being excluded from any form of government or future discussions pertaining to Gaza’s future is a reasonable and achievable demand. Requiring it’s “destruction” without a crystal-clear and achievable definition of what that means essentially gives

A spokesperson for Fetterman then gave Business Insider a frankly ridiculous statement, claiming Fetterman “strongly supports a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine, and always has” but that he “strongly believes that this resolution should include language stipulating the destruction of Hamas as a precondition