
I would argue Hillary failing to convince people to show up and vote for her is what gave Trump his first term.

Oh, I never said I wasn’t voting for Biden.

Maybe the Democrats should have learned from the first time that Trump bad isn't necessarily enough to win on.

Oh no. Trump is far worse for that (and most things) than Biden.

He had to be drug to student loan forgiveness.

I assume it's including ones who were already born by the start of the IDF's campaign. 

Maybe Biden should have done a better job earning their vote then.

To be fair, a number of neighboring countries have said a major reason is that they don’t trust that refugees they take will not be allowed back after the conflict (not the first time).

“I’m not in any way saying I don’t believe that the law was written with transphobia in mind. I doubt in 1995 when the legislator introduced this bill, we were even a blip on the radar ...”

I'm waiting for it.

I mean, a statue like that sounds like the kind of thing I would put up to fuck with fundamentalist neighbors.

It's at the very least the commission of a number of war crimes which shouldn't be hard to prove.

To be fair, Maus plays directly with Nazi propoganda (hence the Pols being Pigs and Jews being mice or Rats).

They said they wanted a symmetric logo. Also, depending on where the devs are from that might not be normal for dates.


That’s more of an urban legend.

Ub was Jewish? I had no clue. When I think of Jewish animators I think of the Fleishcers.

The swastika unless I’m mistaken had made it’s way to Europe way before the Nazi’s (like Pre-Roman times).

I mean, I would rather pay less, but this doesn’t surprise me. Hopefully Capcom spent enough and the game is good enough to warrant that price tag. But AAA games from the mid 2000's cost $60; so not surprised that it’s $70.

If I wouldn’t pay $100 for the base game, why would I be willing to spend that for an expansion pack?