Malaria Man

“Thrilling!” -says disgruntled man on subway
“Ecstatic!” -Stan Lee (having a stroke)
“FUN!” -Laid-off Square-Enix employee

These are words that will not be associated with Final Fantasy 15...

That looks neat, but this is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that header:

Grand Theft Auto.
The story can be extremely simplified like the games but better presented in a closed narrative that takes it like a goofy gangster flick like some high end Guy Richie stint.

Personally though, I think most videogames would be better adapted into TV series. They’re long run times, slow progression and

This NSFW post brought to you by the Hunchback Beautification Association.
Hunchbacks: they’re sexy too.

That’s alittle vague, can you be more specific as to which red button?

A button for every occasion.

I found this on accident. Was trying to get into that pocket area next to it on the map and jumped up here looking for a switch to unlock it.
Spoiler alert: there’s not anything actually there.

Found a Happy Birthday one where the balloon pops and all the kids get really happy.
I haven’t seen anyone else who’s found it.
Also video: ***
*edit: I’ll add the video when it’s working correctly

At the very least it would have made one party way better.

Me: “Romancing... Salsa? Isn’t it suppose to be Saga?”
Friend: “That does say saga.”
Me: “Wait, that is a ‘G’? It looks like a weird ‘L’ and ‘S’ combo.”


Infinite Warfare? How appropriate.

It’s almost a satire of the series as a whole condensed into a subtitle.

Randy Pitchford is the first on the scene?
This reeks of inside sabotage...

Then again, Duke is nowhere to be seen and all the Colonial Marines on site we found to be lying about what they saw.


Seriously though: Pitchford was the Uber Driver.

Did you guys get the expressed written permission of ABC, the NFL and National Players’ Association to show this?

Sorry Quasi...

I’m out.
I don’t care.
I just can’t.

Wow, that looked really cool. I probably would have looked into it HAD I SEEN IT AT ALL!
Does look really good though, like a great blend between Souls and Ninja Gaiden which has me both worried and highly interested.

I like to name my saves like chapters in a book, that way whenever I go back I can just look at all the major decisions and what they wrought.

My current save is called ‘We Lost a Man Today’.
That’s preceded by ‘Mecha’.
Which is preceded by ‘Long and Short Ends’.

I should write a book or at least chapter titles.

Or break the everything!

Hell, I’d like just getting a polymesh!