Malaria Man

You're the kind of person that writes a lot of bad fanfiction, aren't you?

Stella is in fact, widely known...

I've read the director's comments and it's him saying that they haven't shown everything off because they are working on making it look correct and function in combat...

'Stella is a widely known character': PFFT!

She's less of a troll and more of a super-diehard fan that has the blinders set to maximum and is completely ignoring the reality of what this game really is:

The product speaks for itself.
Yoshida and his team did a great job rebuilding from scratch; ARR is a good game.
It was created to be a good game at it's core.
From the start.
It's only FF14 in name and aesthetic.

Now playing

1. Well it's a simple preamble so it doesn't need to.
2. How? That's exactly what mid-stage production is!

And that's really smart optimization; I got to give your team kudos for thinking of something like that. I'm assuming that also freed up some processing power for asset usage too right?

Point being this is demo for a game with no known release date.
Though I understand what you're trying to say and you're right; it is jumping the gun.

1. My point also being my opinion doesn't negate what I'm trying to say.
2. You literally just proved my point of it being mid-stage of production.
3. What I'm trying to say is you start fixing problems when they occur, not after.
4. Graphics will change; gameplay doesn't. Polishing a turd; etc.
5. Director =/= entire

Obviously, the legal system frowns on lying and good developers don't actively lie to customers anyways.

My point: The game's a turd that nobody wants to admit to because there's still some unbelievable hope that time and polish will somehow change that before its released.

Actually I don't bitch about betas preforming poorly because they're suppose to be system tests on a large scale for late term refinements. If anything, I'm more suspicious of a demo that comes out 2 weeks ahead of a game and it has a disclaimer slapped on it warning that the game is incomplete and the final version

Well generally these things are used to promote themselves, so I imagine it would be some kind of legitimacy to having at least been completed in some way; possibly the core of the game.

It seems then you're still working off a cemented foundation that is the core game and just going from there. So how do these things not fall under the banner of 'polish and refinement'?

So, they're updating game engines...
From an older version to a newer version.

Now, I'm being sarcastic when I talk about 'features', but to me it seems like people (fans) are so hopeful for this to be great that they're just glossing over what has actually gone into this iteration development wise and how little refinement has taken place to get to this point and yet how layered it already is.

How I define 'core game' is as the structured foundation on which the game is assembled.
IE: Gameplay

A completed game core has functioning and self-sustaining gameplay.

The core game is done; but you'd know that if you read the article...