Malaria Man

I was gonna say 15 months is a little out of the realm for 9 people putting this much work together straight from scratch even if they are the top industry people...

But then I saw the UDK sign at the end and it all made sense.
Now it's obvious how they focused their time on creating assets and working around gameplay

I got you your paycheck...


'That sounded like Mario Is Missing.'

See, I do it this way because 'true' sarcasm is something an individual should have to look at and analyze to a degree that it's a critique of something not readily apparent.

The Dude here is some form of give away that I'm not being entirely serious, but it was also my intention to poke someone in the back of the head

It's all good. Carry on. Carry on!

Man, sarcasm and satire truly does escape people in textual form...
I know this. And you're like the 7 person to tell me that.

OMG why so naive satire about beta

So... uh.

Now playing

For some reason I was expecting something closer to the low resolution universe...

Now playing

Bleszinski working on a 'PROPER' PC shooter...

Does the 'BBC' in that sentence mean 'Bubbly Bull Crap'?
I hate to imagine all the disappointed Dr. Who & Top Gear fans being lied to about Blurays...

Now playing

I hear if you equip the Aerith costume...
the game ends before the 3rd disc...

And that perfectly sums it up right there.
The 3 choices were actually 2. Divide or Conquer.

Without getting into a long essay about game design...
Here's a few that I can think of right now:

1) There is no actual risk: This is a bit meta, but for any game that has saves you literally *never* have to live with your choices. You don't like the results of your selection? Reload the game. We're not dealing

True, but that goes with the casual player's ideal of what GTA is at the core, and that is almost always wrong.
Still, it falls into what I was saying given the choices presented and the implied killing of Franklin. Whether or not you liked him, most people felt Michael and ESPECIALLY TREVOR were much more sacrificial;

It WAS suppose to be available at launch.
Then they pushed it back...

Fuck waiting.

I believe that the actual reason most people chose A or B over C was really the way it was presented...

Are you daft?

Is there any reason to believe it's not? I mean, seriously; all loose end get essentially tied up and there no tied hands bullshit or people who needs favors anymore...

Also everyone lives...
mostly everyone live...
the people we like live...
the main characters live...