I'm just gonna throw this out here in the open.
I'm just gonna throw this out here in the open.
Oh it's gonna be a good week...
It's hard to rate, because it's one of those movie's where the plot is absurdly insane and really makes only sense in the context of what is given to you. Like, all the character just kinda understand what's going on and always have a sense of being in the world, but at the same time it's all this comic book logic…
I don't care what mods you can use to make this better, just changing the lighting isn't going to help this mess! Try going all out and rewriting the whole damn enemy AI, animations, encounters, properties...
A classic; for some reason it works with the dumbassness of the xeno.
No shit, right?
I hear if you download TF2 Linux during the first week, they'll give you a limited release penguin accesory that you can then horde like it has actual value and sell it to mentally deficient people for hundreds of dollars!
EA strikes again with another Ultima game that makes no sense in the canonical and far too long running story...
Wow, what a nice tech demo...
Connecting the dots...
Of sorts; I mean hell, PS3 and Steam already have a cross-platform of both multiplayer games and account linking. I think the most logical next step would be not a merger or buyout, but a more complex partnership in which say Valve can release new downloadable content to the PSN marketplace, or straight-up replacing…
I find it almost ironic that Colonial Marines was just about to become the next DN:F, and not only does Gearbox end up releasing both of them, but they're both pretty much in the same shallow crap boat of having another studio fuck up the product and just say, 'eh, better just get out the door so it's not our problem…
Sure, but with such a deal the problem becomes 'who has ownership of the service'?
I'm telling you guys, this has to do with the Feb. 20 Sony announcement...
heheh... Mondays.
Again I wonder, don't these people have better things to do with their time and am left pondering my own existence like somebody shat in the punch bowl...
You could say it hides his hideous hunchback haunch...
Oh man, I love my midget wrestler tag. People always ask me how to get it.
Oh, man. Great comic I started reading back in '07... The guy's super busy though and has hardly updated it in a while; which it looks like from that panel he just did recently.
I meant to say 'utilized' instead of 'used'. Of course they're used in making PS3 games, but how often are they utilized?