
Time to put Stand Your Ground laws to good use...

Hey if they don't like it they don't have to show it in their theater.

Wow, that's crazy. Never seen one before. Funny that it's called Beluga.

What the living fuck is that? It looks like a beluga whale with jet engines...

Yep. That's why my parents jumped ship and went full Catholic at the time. Because you gotta have rules, dammit!

You know you're old (I'm turning 42 in a few weeks) when sometimes you just want to say fuck all this Windows shit, go to DOS, and get your shit done.

Ditto for banks. When I worked as a teller, the FBI training video was pretty simple: just give them all the moneys when they ask for it. It isn't yours, so don't worry about it.

Or unless you're asking a cop why he/she stopped you.

As a verbalized comma or quotation mark, "like" can be very useful. I grew up in California (Santa Cruz) and I'm fucking fluent in "dude" and "like," but I do not uptalk. At all. In fact, I notice much more uptalking where I live now in the Midwest, especially in the speech habits of younger women from the East

On top of the burger patty, same way I eat my cole slaw.

Same shit happened to us. Our two dogs had terrible dander and one had very bad flaky skin while they were on Blue Buffalo. We switched to a mass market food and the problem went away.

Hmmmm... you could be on to something here.

Sorry... Edited to read: Best "friends" money can buy. How's that?

Oh c'mon! Best friends money can buy!

I'd make a crack about lazy Kentuckians, but as a Kentuckian that would be pretty lazy, so I won't.

I think "needlessly sexist" is Alex Trebek's handle on Gawker. Dude's got issues with anyone not swinging pipe.

And vacation in France?

For real. At the very least, lock up your fucking guns.

Have to agree. Most NCAA athletes finish their degrees. Discussions like this are relevant for basketball and football, but student athletes for lower profile sports aren't living in the same world.

Christ. I'll see myself out.