
Ooooh! I know! I know! [Composes self.] Because she's a fucking idiot.

I'm glad we haven't surrendered our position in the top 10. Kentucky Proud!

No, it isn't.

Fuck. Yes. I want to roll around on that pile of rabbits.

Which is all to say, I'm not disagreeing with your physics, obviously, but the answer rests more on popular knowledge gained through studying heliocentric models in high school or college physics (or just being alive and breathing oxygen), and I don't expect most people to address the ins-and-outs of a barycenter.

I'm not sure whether your interpretation of the data is more than nitpicking. Yes, the Earth tugs on the Sun, but the Earth-Sun barycenter is deep inside the sun. In contrast, the Jupiter-Sun barycenter is only 50,000 km above the Sun's surface, a negligible distance given the radius of the Sun itself. In terms of the

I would rock that fucking bowl of pasta.

These women already haunt my dreams (see below). But that sounds pretty fucking dangerous. I wonder if just the dancers wear them or if the flyers do, too.

True enough.

Jesus that rocked.

Starting to come across as an immature freshman? What part of her schtick has conveyed any emotional maturity or musical talent? She's mass produced for the tween crowd, and college girls that didn't grow up. That's her emotional and musical range right there.

I'm not your friend, guy.

Love it and totally agree. Parents of these kids micromanage their lives, and many (not all, but many) of them end up afraid to make independent decisions on their own.

Someone linked to it below. The Washington Post also published a nice analysis of the study, and discussed it in the context of other employment data, for what it's worth. I think you can just find it on Google.

These kids are weird, and I say that at 41. I teach at a large (really large) public university, and it feels more and more like I'm teaching in a foreign country. They refer to their parents' house as "home." They go there all the time, at least a few weekends every month. They are in constant communication with

Your friends are quite lucky, and their employment data may be skewed by demographics, their region, etc. Only 50% of STEM graduates end up in their field. That's the same % as humanities majors. That's just the data. Anecdotal arguments are not data.

You are actually quite wrong about this. The EPI, in a new study from Rutgers and Georgetown, confirmed something that most college professors have known for a long time: There is not a higher demand for workers with STEM degrees, and more importantly, college kids with STEM degrees are just as unlikely to end up in

You said: "I really don't get the point of chopsticks, especially in modern society, knives forks and spoons were invented for a reason... so why trade them in and downgrade to a couple of sticks of wood."

Wow, racist much? This is one the biggest douche comments I've ever read on this site, not to mention ignorant as hell. First, more modern people use chopsticks around the world than live in the EU, USA, and Canada combined. Second, spoons and knives as eating utensils have as long a history in East Asia as they do in

I don't like Dr. Phil, but he does have a Ph.D. in psychology from North Texas U, does he not? That does entitle him to be referred to as Dr. McGraw. Maybe he goes by Dr. Phil because he isn't a licensed practitioner, and that can get you into trouble when you're handing out free advice on the TV. It also sounds