Did you really tho
Did you really tho
Enthusiasm about cars is in its own right irrational and unreasonable, therefore irrational and unreasonable arguments are valid (if not encouraged)
You have a better guess? Idk, this post really has nothing to do with CF tanks and elites.
Look, I’m all for Bernie but A) Stop advertising him... if anything it hurts rather than helps and B) Bernie is a lost cause in this election. Somehow/Unfortunately Hillary will get the nomination. So please let up on the Bernie-jerking.
It's on Foxtrot Alpha, a subsidiary of Jalopnik that a lot of Jalops are interested in. If you didn't want to see it, don't click on it.
How do we help? I have a fridge if that helps
You speak of how they are trying to put you into a “compromised position”, but are you not doing the same by correcting grammar mistakes and insulting people rather than the corrections they are trying to convey?
Better not be cold steak.
I shouldn’t have laughed.
Hey now...
I’m sorry, tension stage? Release stage? All in the rough shape of a dick?
Haha alright! I’m a “Gen Z” or something (early 2000s) and I can't stand Pokemon.
He didn't make you do anything dude. Chill!
Car culture isn’t dead and it won’t die, it just evolves. I think the car culture we know and love/live will slowly become less about new cars and more about older cars (not old, just no longer produced). But let’s look at some of the stuff you said Torch.
But in WWII nonetheless.
Yes, but I meant as Russia and the Soviet Union, not the war names
Appropriate username
Russia was part of the Allies and fought in both wars, just under two different names.
Late COTD!