
Easy: Pedro Pascal, Doctor Strange.

Reanimated skeletons made surprisingly good assistants.

Now playing

Any of David Lynch's films would fit the bill, but I have a special love for Mulholland Drive.

Ok, it is not sci-fi but I am going to have to say Friends.

Let's see...

The thing inside her woke up.

"That's no moon!" screamed Neil Armstrong.

"I'm sorry. You have tentacle cancer."

I heard they only moved the headstones at that Chinese IKEA.

Best. Thing. In. The. Movie.

Ima let y'all finish, but Tom Waits was one of the best Satans of all time.

My favorite cinematic version of Lucifer:

I loved Prometheus too. And so did my boyfriend. So there are two more votes in the Prometheus camp.

See? That is the unreasonableness right there...

The Internet is now way too cool to be able to enjoy good things anymore.

This looks fantastic, but what is with all this Prometheus hate? I seriously don't understand how any sci-fi fan could not love that movie. Now, true, I'm in the decided minority who kinda liked X-Men Origins: Wolverine and flat-out LOVE David Lynch's Dune (dude, it's a classic. Deal with it.)... but still... I

"I'm always swampy."

This. Star Wars and Star Trek, aside from both using the word "star" are absolutely nothing alike, and comparing them makes about as much sense as comparing The Lord of the Rings to Gladiator.

The 'which captain is best' bit among Trekkers. Naturally there should be no doubt at all that Sisko is best.

Okay it's not scifi, still