
The "Shwere Gustov" only fired 53 tactical shots during the entire war. It was a complete waste of resources. It took nearly 3,000 troops to even keep it in action.

Maybe they should have gone with HMAS Subby McSubface?


Bet these two morons end up in Army Intelligence.

Good luck next year!!!

Weak with the force we are.

Trump could have cancelled the sale at anytime. Just like he has cancelled the agreement with Cuba, and the Paris Accords.

Then why are the Dutch, Norwegian and Israeli Airforces saying that the F-35 is the greatest fighter ever built? And why at Red Flag did the F-35 achieve a kill ratio of 49-0?

He could have cancelled the sale at anytime. Just like he has cancelled most everything Obama has done. So your excuse doesn’t pass the smell test.

So are the MIG-29 and SU-27 series Fighters. And the F-15 of today is a totally different aircraft from the F-15's of the 1980's. The Russians just change the designations to make the same aircraft look brand new.

What a Pathetic little bitch!!!! I am a US Navy Veteran, and i am sorry but if i had been there i would have knocked his worthless butt out.

I guess all my friends in Wisconsin are right, they all say he’s gay.

Hey, at least the weed is legal...

When i was in the Navy, it was a crime to wash your coffee mug!!! I had the same mug for 6 of my almost 8 years in the Submarine Service . And it was never washed.

I feel ill as well. I am a Puerto Rican and a US Navy Submarine Service veteran . I fear where my country is headed for the next four years .

“Incontinence” by I.P Freely

I grew up in Groton,and then spent 8 years in the Submarine Service as a Torpedoman’s Mate 2nd. I shudder to think what the crews of Thresher and Scorpion felt in their last few minutes. I say a prayer for for them and their families.