
The son of the shop owner where Luthen’s radio was, where Bix would visit to ask for a piece of scrap “in the back” then climb the chimney stack and radio. His father was picked up by Meero and tortured all night then hung, and ultunately gave them Bix. The father and his son were seen several times throughout the

Thinking about the changes in the characters and where they will go after breaking up the band, I think the flip with May and Coulson is neatly done to keep them a good match- now she can take on anyone’s emotions she touches, Coulson as an LMD doesn’t have emotions she can take on, so she can know that if they move

But Fitz was noticeably absent which doesn’t bode well for fans

In earlier episodes, when Delores is first trying to get close to Liam Jr as his girlfriend, he says something about being a figurehead and actually he is locked out of the system- he can see the output files, but only Serac has the ability to make changes, which was why it was so important that Delores find out

What struck me was the line Dolores-Connell says to Bernard, “You’re the only one we can’t replace.”
Last season, Angela blew up herself and the cradle where all the host backups were stored. Hale-ores ended the season in the Forge, where she sent Teddy and the available hosts off to peace in the Valley Beyond and

What struck me was the line Dolores copy says to Bernard, “You’re the only one we can’t replace.”
Last season, Angela blew up herself and the cradle where all the host backups were stored. Hale-ores ended the season in the Forge, where she sent Teddy and the available hosts off to peace in the Valley Beyond and was

Dr Teal’s eucalyptus spearmint is AMAZING

Dr Teal’s eucalyptus spearmint is AMAZING

No Further!

I spit out my drink when I read this comment. Well done.

It’s just the first book but does tweak the ending to be more definite to provide movie audiences closure. 

Thanks for this.

I think you will probably be okay picking up with this season without much confusion, but if I may, I recommend going back to catch the second half of season 4. I didn’t particularly care for the first half with Ghost Rider, but the second half is broken into two short arcs- “LMD” and “Agents of Hydra” and both are

Completely agree. While in fiction, running away can seem a light decision where you don’t have to weigh the consequences, in the real world tone they’re going for, it’s not a snap decision. You rationalize what you saw, trying to maintain your comfortable status quo and your image of your parents as good people who

I love the little half inch platform, and I do think it makes heels more comfortable- I wear an 8.5 and through years of trial and error realized I don’t wear heels over 3.5 in, they languish in my closet. That little demure platform makes the more common 3.75 and 4 in heels bearable for a full day of walking between

I love the little half inch platform, and I do think it makes heels more comfortable- I wear an 8.5 and through

I must know, what are these?!?!

So, quick question- when you say in Step 2 to reduce your calorie intake by 20% of your Daily Expenditure, do you mean looking at the average calorie intake and reducing that by the 20% value? I am not sure of my daily calorie intake, so are there targets I should be shooting for?

while I was home sick last week and surfing the net I discovered these ASMR videos. The videos of whispering irritate me, almost to bring enraged, because I just hear the spit in peoples mouths. But sinced i recognized feeling ASMR tingles based off the description, I looked through other options until I discover I

I go to yearly checkups with my gyno, where she performs a manual breast exam. This year she found something she was concerned about, and since I am in my late twenties but with no family history of breast cancer, she didn't want to overperscribe things like a mammogram. She reffered me to a surgical specialist and,

Yes, as a young girl, I was all about Johnny Quest. But now, Race Bannon all the way, no question. You can sigh something like, "oooh, race!"

here, here. I want to be this kid.