
@neko613: Mario 64 DS is LOADS better than the original in terms of graphical quality. How can you even compare?

@icepick314: You think they're gonna make actual porn available for 3DS?

@Toshi: Come to think of it, I haven't seen him in a while. He still around?

Ooh, I know what he was playing!

@The_Bombsong_Baron: I think there was a sale going on or something, because I remember Mario 64 as coming with the N64, but I haven't heard of this happening anywhere. Perhaps it was an after-Christmas sale or something (which would probably get me the last $20 or so I needed; I never got a lot of money for

@LucasTizma: I actually quite liked the English voice acting too. I dunno if it's the fact I grew up watching anime, but voice acting, unless unbelievably awful, tend to all sound pretty decent to me (so if you're gonna bash the quality, it's not a problem).

@LucasTizma: We'll probably get it eventually, but odds are the way it will go will be either:

Both they and the Kinectimals just look creepy as hell to me. I didn't have this problem with the original Nintendogs, but I do with this.

Totilo looks like the midget from Princess Bride with slightly more hair.

I didn't know how old exactly OoT was, but I immediately knew what it was for as soon as I read the title...

So, anyone think the 3DS will have more launch titles in America? It's two months later, but at the same time, Japanese-only games and whatnot.

They'll still cost the same to pirates.

But... but...

I would count the original DS and DS Lite as one system, but the DSi and DSi XL as another. The Lite was just a nicer version of the DS physically (prettier, and a better backlight), but the software was all the same, and no new features were added. Same with the DSi and XL. I wouldn't call the XL "nicer" per se (I

'Nuff said.

@HarvMalbert: First, no, I wasn't saying that it cancels out the piracy in general at ALL. But if a hacker were to pirate as well, they would (as an individual) have probably bought more games than they pirate, was all I was saying.