
We all jus’ chillin’ n shit.

Redlettermedia is preparing a video as we speak explaining why diversity is great and all, but we really don’t need it and it’s actually not important.

The Disqus record will show that MANIMAL, the effective & low-effort anti-Marvel-Studios/pro-Snyder troll, is a distinct phenomenon from, though contemporary with, Darth Kidriss, the last voice crying out in the A.V. Club wilderness that no one really likes superheroes unless they can quote chapter and verse from Nova

Yeah, and it ain’t so funny now that we all have it. 

I can see them setting up some variation for Secret Invasion as part of the next phase with Captain Marvel but I highly doubt they’re going to kick it off in Avengers 4. There’s just too much to resolve, including the likely send off of some of the OG avengers, to suddenly have some of the heroes being Skrull. That’s

Me long past worrying whether Marvel can deliver satisfying standalone film that also work into larger story. They have this stuff pretty well figured out. Me just going to take kids to this and enjoy ride.

So, you get free food for life and you’re gonna shit on it because you're a fucking snob?

Emmy Rossum?  But she just wants to take her career in a different direction!  That’s messed up!

I guess I’m in the minority, but I think he’s pretty funny on Snl (though underutilized). His bits on weekend update are consistently funny- the one where he compares coverage of him and Colin Jost in their hometown newspaper was gold.

Dear Salty Waitress:

Historians will write that Parsons was both our Satan and our Jesus.

I’m a core fan, and I considered Han Solo’s origin properly covered by the now non-canon Han Solo novels I paid my very real allowance money for as a child.

TLJ was pretty good, and had the benefit of not directly contradicting stories that were sold to a younger me as being real Star Wars stories, and then later swept

So you think angry Reddit commenters are a reliable sample of the rest of the world. That’s kind of a scary idea.

Pretty sure it failed because it was a bad idea with a lot of very public production issues that didn’t even get a trailer until 3 months before release but maybe it’s the other thing, sure.

I’m not sure if you are high, but you are declaring the end of civilization because a guy was an asshole and got his ass beat.  You don’t wave double fingers at the singer through a punk song and not get your ass beat.  Turning it into some weird litmus test about the entire left endorsing violence (and repeating

It’s about ethics in mosh pit journalism.

Go clutch at your fake pearls somewhere else, you disingenuous troll. For one thing, I don’t give half a shit when a MAGA chud gets beat down, and I never will. For another, I don’t care who you are or what your political affiliation is, if you stand in the pit at a punk show and continuously flip off the band, even

Listen to the words of a much better hero...

When we match wits, you MAY start to get suspicious when I can only name facts that rhyme with each other.