
Because Republicans.

There was a big X formation of stars (and planets) near the moon last night. It was beautiful but a bit unnerving.

Beautiful. Wish I could have seen it in person.

Hillary is gonna kick some hacker butt when she’s elected. Assange was afraid, now he should be very afraid.

Science can’t study quantum states, therefore you can’t say belief is superstition because it can’t be studied.

you kids have been watching Fox News again.

Yes, but people underestimate how much all the other organs in our body also have brain-like functionality. Whatever “the soul” is, (or what we think of as the soul) the entire body is is involved. The brain is just the hard-drive and main processor. According to transplant recipients, “the heart remembers”.

Our brains could be a lot more neuron-dense though. Bird brains are tiny but pack in a lot more “bang for the buck”.

No unexpected restarts is the big one. Oh, I’m trying to keep someone from committing suicide. Windows reboot time!

Reminds me of the British trend to call Scientists “Boffins”. Such a stupid word.

I believe that Buddhist Androids (the philosophy) will save mankind from itself. I also believe that they will be under constant attack by hackers to turn against us. I really pray that there are never any Religious Androids.

They should just fix Suicide Squad, make an entirely different (good) version (however long it takes) and re-release it to a huge in-home debut.

looks like he was on steroids “down there”

Could have to do with virtual reality. Maybe augmented eyeholes where the eyes go? If not it’s a good idea I just gave away free. lol, seriously that’s a brilliant idea. Basically hololens in a phone. You could do the same thing though with cameras instead of glass.

I blame Putin and his pet tribble.

Agreed. “The Cloud” is just servers, but it was a funny comment anyway. Let’s call programs “apps” and servers “the cloud”. Ooooo...magic! Let’s call modems “dealies”.


Russian hackers need a good cyber butt-kicking. Too bad there are no American hackers to take them out. (Anonymous is Israeli)

Yes, because fast food, energy drinks and non-stop video games aren’t bad enough health-destroyers. Let’s get them addicted to flavored poison!

Geez people...all we need to do is end terrorism, fix the environment and end bigotry and wars and the world will be perfect. 4 things!