
Aint yall never heard of Grilly-glass? It’s made out a grillies and tough as all git out.

You said a dirty word. My Daddy said people with dirty minds use dirty words.

Has anyone considered “it’s time” refers to Trump-related hacking or something more sinister? He is a hacker.

so funny.

not simplistic at all. Quite astute in the age of Trump.

Yeah, because pirating of the biggest movie of the year probably won’t ever happen (maybe).

Just vote for Hillary. If she screws up, vote for someone else next time.


Pop that blista, sista!

Man-made climate change deniers are really beyond talking to. The dumb responses they come up with just flabbergast.

you have to find the corpse to burn it. Let’s go traipsing through thousands of acres looking for corpses with vintage diseases!

Thanks Jim Inhofe (AKA SATAN!)

That depends. Does it matter if you die tomorrow or 40 years from now? You’re going to die anyway.

Ahhhh! The post-Trump years. Good times, eh? (sorry, couldn’t help it)

This is what happens when you don’t regulate companies and corporations too.

You do your name proud.

Not for me. I always wanted Hillary. I wanted her instead of Obama. Trump, on the other hand, is for the Duck Dynasty crowd.

People keep talking about how horrible this movie must have been to work on. To me it all sounds like great fun.

pretty sexy there, Kent

It’s been proven spoilers don’t really spoil anything anyway.