
But part of the problem is that asking is part of the emotional work. Recognizing that it needs to be done, planning it, delegating tasks, all of that goes unseen.

Sometimes karma comes in forms that we don’t immediately recognize. Has she suffered from illness, poverty, or abuse since then? No. She has everything she wants, and on the outside it might seem unfair. However, she has no contact with her grandchildren and her only child (me), which means that as she gets older, she

This reminds me of a good friend of mine who is the friend of a friend of the man who tried to rape me. He told me it was a very good thing I hadn’t said anything to the authorities. Because I’d screamed loud enough to be heard by neighbors, had visible bruises and broken skin from fighting him off, and had reported

I have a very clear memory, from when I was about 12, of my mother angrily telling me about a family we knew from church, and how their horrible daughter, who was a few years years older than me, had “ruined her family” by reporting that her stepfather had molested her. It didn’t even occur to my mother, or anyone

In that situation—he’s been living in a foreign culture and hasn’t gotten to make a dish like that for anyone in possibly years—most chefs I know would’ve reacted the same way this one did. “It’s not busy, and I get to make the sort of comfort food I grew up with? Hell yes, I’m making an extra one for myself.”

Many years ago at the group home for developmentally disabled teens where I worked there was a resident who really, really wanted to go to the best steak house in the city for his 18th birthday. He had behavior and anger issues, but was determined to earn that birthday dinner, and he managed it. So another staff

Crazy as it sounds, I envy that woman’s ability to totally check out in the face of such overwhelming grief. If anything were to ever happen to my child, I kind of hope that my brain would change channels, too. I couldn't handle it otherwise.

You think there is a point where a child “ages out” of inspiring hysterical grief in a parent?

Yes. Single mom with bad circumstances (Amish - so you can imagine) I called social services and stayed with her through a drawn out, but surprisingly compassionate, police and medical investigation and intervention.

Michelle Duggar said transgender people will assault girls in public restrooms. Meanwhile her own son assaulted her girls. The pair of balls that woman has to make accusations like that knowing she had her own predator at home, and he wasn’t gay or transgender, but she’s projecting those crimes onto innocent people.

Now he has pedo etched on his mashed potato looking face and Jesus christ himself can't save him from public opinion.

I understand those who say people make mistakes, I really do. I would just like to remind them that some mistakes warrant jail time and a trip to the Sex Offender Registry.

Sometimes what’s in your heart is “I can’t, I just can’t. Why God?” And that’s not exactly eulogy appropriate.

But then we're getting into the whole "This is how you're supposed to mourn," conversation. Grief is a totally unique experience, and while most people wouldn't go that route (googling a eulogy), I could see why someone would want to have a little help in writing something.

Copying a eulogy doesn't seem that bad to me if you're a legitimately grieving spouse who doesn't know what to say but is expected to make a public speech. It's not like you're stealing it for your own personal gain.

“Now THAT’S White Zinfandel!” which he promptly poured into his monogrammed thermos.

Yeah, because people who want to see Paul Blart are going to read these reviews and be like, whaaaaaa? Not as good as the book?

I think I got negged for the first time a couple months ago. This guy I hadn’t seen in years was like, “Wow, you look a lot OLDER. But it looks good on you. You really look like a woman now.” Which was funny because I was thinking, ‘Damn, he looks old. Maybe I should cool it on the drinking and smoking and drugs so my

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 has a subplot constructed around the pick-up artist concept of “negging.”

OK, I get what you're trying to do here, but if I understand correctly...