
keefka thinks he's hilarious, but the closest he gets to "funny" is the way his mom dresses him.

Jovent, unless you have access to KeyTee's grades and KNOW (not just assume) she was a mediocre student, you've just outed yourself as a racist jackass.

My reaction to Star Trek: Generations. Which, sadly, was a better reaction than I had to any Trek film since.

It was a cool idea, but theyv left out all the really interesting bits about Jack London. It's like meeting a teenaged Stephen Hawking and science never coming up, so basically it's just random British guy with glasses.

Pretty sure that was the episode that got me to give up watching the show regularly. I think after that I only saw the Q civil war and the finale, which both sucked.

"I feel it was a lot like the first one."

Chlamydia? But that would involve them getting laid.