Making Noise5

You’re assuming everything would have played out exactly the same way had Sanders been the nominee. The election, given some overlap in who they appealed to, would have come down to something like defense, which would have been in favor of Trump. I don’t know, that’s just how I see it, but to flat out say Bernie would

“The only remarkable thing is this: the socialist could have won.”

Bernie was nothing but the left-wing Trump: a cult of personality who espoused big plans with no idea or strategy on how to make them happen, with a rabid, gullible fanbase who didn’t care anyway.

Socialism: Potentially appealing to half the country if the only other option is racist, sexist, and quasi-fascist. Catch the fever!

In order to be a socialist, you first have to be an absolute loser. America isn’t made of of losers like you, sorry.

You aren’t very good at politics.

This observation is not intended to be a lionization of Bernie Sanders, a mythmaking exercise, or a re-litigation of all of the primary arguments.

Ugh. Bernie Sanders is a con man. He is Donald Trump writ small.

Posts like this is why Deadspin will continue to be the Stranger Things of journalism.

I’ll never get this.

STFU, Hamilton.