YES! I thought this!!!!
YES! I thought this!!!!
Didn't think it was the only legitimate way. I only thought that the AV Club had higher standards, so I thought they had the wrong person for the job. I don't really know what made me think they had higher standards.
Didn't think it was the only way. Thought the AV Club had a higher bar. This person isn't qualified to meet the standard I expected from the site.
Sorry, I thought the AV Club was a place that I could go and have a well rounded thought out review that considered the changes made as this series is adapted from the previous books and movies. I didn't realize the bar was "literate and watches Hannibal". Pretty low bar. I'll go elsewhere.
Why are you writing on Hannibal if you haven't read and watched everything? You made it clear with that statement that you aren't qualified. *sigh*
Does Clark kill her? Does Clark turn her? Does she tell on him? Does she cover for him and believe he loves her? YES HER.
ARGH! I need this season to drop like House of Cards. I've been overindulged by Netflix and the waiting game is lame! I need to know what happens with Martha NOW!