
BTW do you know of any special SDWD vinyl variants? Or will this thing just show up in the stores? I didn't see a pre order link to their label…

Touche! But I feel the over all essence and sound quality was a play on, on what Tame Impala was already doing with Innerspeaker and then before that with their EP. Meh at any rate they are a natural fit. I guess what I meant was in general the OKC psych scene somewhat resembles that of Perth… Maybe not… Maybe OKC is

Is it just me or has OKC taken a couple pages out of the recording/mixing style from the Perth scene in Tame Impala, Pond, ETC

I just imagine Uncle Wayne taking over everything in the studio. "Ok ok! Let's do this! Let's try it this way! yea yeah!" All while drawing his comic book in between or painting neon nail polish unto himself.

You want them to look psychedelic not grunge right?