All I got to say is Playstation 4 really needed this game. However I do feel like this game is a bit too linear though.
I would love to read and weatch this. I think they could pull it off =P.
14. Haman Karn (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam) 198 Votes
This! I love Spider-Man 2099 and I think they could do a lot of cool things with it too. Especially since the games really brought out a lot of potential to it.
They need to do a television series for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. There was just too much story plot missing from that movie, I was pretty devastated of what it came out to be.. The mangas were incredible and showed a very dark side of things. I highly recommend the manga to anyone. It's definitely…
This man was on a whole new level. He brought in the next level of people loving anime (especially those outside Japan). He went on to make his own and got funding and everything. He was a very special guy and has inspired so many people. I loved how he was pushing the limits and showing what's the next step n…
I'm still a bit skeptical. $60 for a 3 year old psp game? Sure the graphics got enhanced a bit, but I fee like it needs a hell of a lot more than just that. Even adding more to game story even with it being as long as it in. Any thoughts on what they should add or why this seems to be okay?
I seriously hope this 3DSXL is lighter. I really dislike how heavy the system is. Remember when they use to make fun of the PSP?
The problem here is really people forgetting that Sony is not specifically not a computer company. Microsoft has been doing that since day one, which makes it a hell of a lot easier for them to deal with it. They've been dealing with hackers and virus since Windows 95 and however long they've been at this. Sony has to…
Its shrapnel that got stuck in his head. It actually is suppose to play an important role on how you do things. If you do very bad things it supposedly grows. Kind like he's turning into a demon, which he does mention in one of the trailers.
As I own a PS4. I've hardly ever had a new for to be in rest mode. There's no point of it being on. If I need to download anything I rather I turn it on and turn it off when it's done. There is just no need for a game system to have a standby mode.
They should had made a new 2DS. Have the size of the 3DS XL screens though and more colors. That system is perfect for Smash. It's practically a fighting game pad.
I'm not surprised. I wrote up an article a couple days ago since the game will come with all the DLC.…
Question for you guys. On the Evangelion 3.33, every time I see that cover for the case, it looks very bootleg doesn't it? It doesn't seem like they would just go with the name of the movie on the cover without some amazing cover.
yeah I was getting really confused me. Basically the second one is a two part, because it all looks the same to me right now. @_@