Rory Jones

The Dragonball Fusions game was really good and had a turn based RPG element to it with fighting. The chibi art style really made the game appealing to everyone. unfortunately the sequel to it looked horrible as they wanted to do normal size. It needed to be on a more powerful system than the 3DS.

I really thought the Title said Robert Mueller is also the voice of Roy Campbell in the Metal Gear Series.

Front Mission 1 and 3 would be amazing to see redone.

I’ve read enough comics to know where this is going. The Antimonitor is coming!

Actually, how has the game series doing outside of Japan? No matter where you go, it’s always going to be compared to Pokémon. It must still be selling well to have the second game come over. Japan’s on their third game and coming out with one set in the past historical Japan.

Just need a Big Band now!

Anything similar on android?

So that’s what happened to Trey Songz, haven’t heard him in a minute lol.

These guys are at it again?

I feel the same way about VR. It’s still not really affordable for gaming purposes, but it would do well for watching films and education.

Is the twerking one from the episode of Orphan black? I haven’t seen it but someone mentioned something across that line lol.

I’m sure there’s another secret one shot of this we haven’t seen. We’ll learn soon enough about Punished C-3PO, a fallen droid.

Brian Azzarello’s run on the New 52 Wonder Woman was one of the best she had in many years. It went down hill after he left. Not sure how the Legend of Wonder Woman series is doing.

I haven’t read GL since after 2 years of New 52. I think they’re hinting at Hal (the one with the green gauntlet) showing more of the Spectre feel. He was fused with Spectre after being Parallax. Maybe that’s where the idea is going that Hal has become a mixture of GL and little bit of Spectre. I think it would be

I thought they got divorced, but I’m glad they’re still together. Also Even though fans maybe upset that he takes so much time off. Most Manga creator get so burnt out and have a lot of health issues.

“When my men reported a crazy BLACK man running around with the Fantastic Four’s craft, I knew it HAD to be you!” —Dr. Doom

Chun Li a little drunk of the Hadoken lol.

Also this has 2 animes on from the early 90's and the remake from last year. This is a badass show and makes sense it got the Dynasty Warriors treatment.

Does anyone remember when these things got rock hard? You could murder people with it, and get away with it too! No one could stop you because they hurt so damn much.

I can’t wait till C3PO comes to! lmao