Awe Mike I was so seriously looking forward to meeting you! The gaming in journalism was quite informative. hope the family is feeling better.
Some people may not understand why this is a big deal.
They're definitely going with the TMNT series in the early 2000's which actually wasn't a bad series (though there is one season you should skip). I do dig the Samurai look on Leo though but holy moly they're HUGE.
I would love to see this for fighting games seriously. It would consist of how many hits connect or miss, cross ups, cancels, grabs, total kicks and punches, and etc. I just don't know how it could be done though @_@.
It's also that I think there's a blu ray edition coming soon too.
Yeah I still have to beat Peace Walker to play my Ground Zeroes and those play with a lot more open world aspect too. It's driving me crazy, I don't hate open world but you only have so much time when growing up. >_<
Is there an FAQ for people who don't know about cell phone upgrading. I always wonder how people are always have the money to upgrade their phone. My phone is a smart phone but with technology of today even a 3 year old phone is obsolete. I have a metropcs LG esteem, and it was top of the line when it came out but now…
Anyone who's played through the game, or seen spoiler clips online, can probably guess what got edited, and there are – and will probably be – endless debates on the legitimacy of video game censorship versus the artists' vision. Either way, it looks like I'll be getting a slightly different version of the game than…
Actually I never really played too much of Infamous. I know it's done well but I can't seem to bring myself to delve into the series don't know why. I'll be getting Dynasty Warriors 8 as well because finally a co-op game on the ps4 that has a lot of fighting together.
What made you return the system if you don't mind me asking?
We seriously need to be focused on the net neutrality stuff. @_@
Brian this interview was awesome. Please more of this